Friday, June 22, 2012



CUE Awards Given for Excellence in Teaching
Harvard University
Oct 24, 1996 - ...  Joaquin Fernandez-Castro, Spanish 45; ...

Sindicatos y Asociaciones Empresariales en España

Las organizaciones empresariales y la configuración del sistema de relaciones industriales de la España democrática, 1977-1990
Las relaciones laborales en España / coord. por Carlos Prieto Rodríguez, Fausto Miguélez Lobo, 1991 (first edition), 1995, ISBN 84-323-0721-1 , págs. 147-184

Grupos de interes en el sistema politico de la España democrática
Tendencias sociales en España, (1960-1990) / coord. por Santiago del Campo, Vol. 2, 1994, ISBN 84-88562-29-2, págs. 425-474

La reconversión industrial
Papeles de economía española, ISSN 0210-9107, Nº 22, 1985, págs. 403-424
The Creation of a New Industrial Relations System and Political Change: The Case of Spain
J Fernández-Castro - Unpublished Paper, 1993

The Dynamic Non-Linear Model of the Political System: Unions, Business Associations and Political Change in Comparative Perspective
J FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRO - paper delivered at XVIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, 1997
Cited by 3 Related articles Cite Save

The Creation of a New Industrial Relations System and Political Change: The Case of Spain

J Fernández-Castro - Unpublished Paper, 1993

Citations by other authors

Introducing Stateness under Strain

KA Lavdas - Stateness and Sovereign Debt: Greece in the …, 2013 -

The sovereign debt crisis, which transforms South and Southeast Europe and engulfed the
Greek state after 2009, poses a number of critical issues. Obviously these are issues that
concern the future of sovereign debt and sovereign risk in an evolving regime of European ...

[CITATION][C] The Creation of a New Industrial Relations System and Political Change: The Case of Spain

J Fernández-Castro - Unpublished Paper, 1993

CEPS. Berg, Matthew Paul, ed,(2000), The Struggle for a Democratic Austria. Bruno Kreisky on Peace and Social Justice, New York: Berghahn Books Berghoff, …

D de la Renta, FA la Riqueza - Social Democracy and Monetary …, 2001 -
... Page 288. Bibliography Approach for Creating Growth and Employment-The Poldermodel in
the French Economic Landscape, The Hague: SMO/Institut de l'enterprise. ... Fernandez-Castro,
Joaquin (1993),'The Creation of a New Industrial Relations 278 Page 292. ...

Decentralized industry and the limits to state planning: national pacts and local alliances in Spain

L Benton - … and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic …, 1988 - JSTOR
... Many of the areas which have been created by private developers for industrial expansion are
on land that is still zoned for agricultural uses. ... Finally, because production is so spatially dif- fuse,
there is little pressure to upgrade local services in new or existing industrial zones ...

[PDF][PDF] Building a Socialdemocratic Strategy in Southern Europe: Economic Policy Under the González Government (1982-93)

CB Serra - Estudios/Working Papers (Centro de Estudios …, 1995 -
... creation of net employment (Rojo 1981; also Fuentes 1979 ... money for the private sector and
allowed for the strengthening of investment in that sector," (Solchaga 1986b, p.23) and created
room for ... points were allocated to both general education expenditure and new manpower ...

The disentanglement of interest politics: Business associability, the parties and policy in Italy and Greece

O Lanza, K Lavdas - European Journal of Political Research, 2000 - Springer
... while PCI and, to a lesser extent, the Socialist Party (PSI), supported the creation of CNA. ... in the
mid-1970s did not disturb the structures of interest intermediation, the new democratic regime ...
with the gradual strengthening of commercial and, at a later stage, of industrial capital. ...

Pilgrim stories: On and off the road to Santiago

NL Frey - 1998 -

... I also appreciate the assistance of those whose lives have touched mine via the Camino:
Linda Davidson, David Gitlitz, Jonathan Harris, loan- nis Sinanoglou, Barbara Haab,
Debbie Salaiz, joaquin Fernandez-Castro, and Elyn Aviva. ...

The Challenges of Democratic Consolidation in Portugal: Political, Economic, and Military Issues, 1976-1991

PC Manuel - 1996 -
... Jose Alvarez-Junco and Joaquin Fernandez-Castro of the Tufts-Harvard Iberian Studies group
have organized valuable seminars on the issues of political change in Portugal and Spain
over the past few years at Harvard's Center for European Studies. ...

Managing the Spanish economy within Europe

C Boix - South European Society and Politics, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract This article explores the economic policies developed by the Spanish socialist
government from 1982 to 1996, particularly with an eye on the impact the process of
European integration had on them. The introduction of stable macroeconomic policies, in ...

The European Monetary Union and the Spanish Left

C Boix - Social Democracy and Monetary Union, 2001 -
How does the intemationalisation of national economies affect their governance? How does
the creation of a single European market and a quasi-unified economic authority affect the
ability of national governments to deliver growth and ensure fair economic results? Why ...

Building a Socialdemocratic Strategy in Southern Europe: Economic Policy Under the González Government (1982-93)

CB Serra - Estudios/Working Papers (Centro de Estudios …, 1995 -
Abstract By examining the overall economic and electoral strategy developed by the
Spanish socialist government from 1982 to 1993, this paper evaluates the possibilities and
limits of socialdemocratic policies in Southern European countries

Los empresarios y la transición a la democracia: los casos de México y España (Businessmen and the Transition to Democracy: The Cases of Mexico and Spain)

AF Andrade - Revista Mexicana de Sociologia, 2003 - JSTOR
... Empresarial (CCE), en 1975, como una instancia aglutinadora de las organizaciones cupula
del ... Patricio Zapata G6mez, todos ellos miembros de la selecta cupula empresarial e integrantes ...
les proporcion6 incentivos, hizo suyas muchas de las demandas empresariales y coin ...
Related articles Cite SaveSaving...Error saving. Try again?

Homework and industrial development: Gender roles and restructuring in the Spanish shoe industry

LA Benton - World Development, 1989 - Elsevier
... La economía subterranea en Sabadell. Papeles de Economía Española (1985), pp. 295–402
No. 22. Fernández Castro, 1985; Joaquín Fernández Castro; Una aproximación sociológica a
la reconversión industrial. Papeles de Economía Española (1985), pp. 403–424 No. 22. ...

Symbol and Ritual in the New Spain: The Transition to ... - Page xii
Laura Desfor Edles - 1998 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
The Transition to Democracy After Franco Laura Desfor Edles ... Jose Alvarez-Junco, Joaquin Fernandez-Castro, and the Harvard- Tufts Iberian Study Group; Miguel Angel Centeno, Hank Johnston, Jose Rodriguez Ibanez, Benjamin Tejerina, ...

Managing the Spanish Economy within Europe

Managing the Spanish Economy within Europe

Carles Boix
pages 165-190

Social Democracy and Monetary Union

Front Cover
Berghahn Books, 2001 - Political Science - 296 pages
Since the late 1960s social democrats have become the dominant political force in the European Union. In fact, Social Democrats govern in no less than 11 of the 15 member states. Simultaneously, the EU has embarked on its most far-reaching project yet, namely Economic and Monetary Union (EMU); a project that was designed mainly by non-Social Democratic governments. This volume provides the first in-depth and comparative analysis of the views and policies of nine European Social Democratic parties concerning economic governance under Europe's new single currency and of the impact of the new political and institutional constellation in the EU on the process of economic integration and European social democracy.

[CITATION][C] El trabajo y los mercados: sobre las relaciones laborales en la Argentina

AO Goldin - 1997 -
SIDALC - Alianza de Servicios de Información Agropecuaria.

Interpreting Change: Debates in Spanish Industrial Relations

MM Lucio - European Journal of Industrial Relations, 1995 -
Abstract The aim of this article is to review some of the key literature and areas of debate
within Spanish industrial relations. It offers a guide to a range of authors and schools of
debate along with their contributions to the understanding of change in industrial relations. ...

Actores y modelos de relaciones laborales Una perspertiva comparada

Front Cover

BOOK][B] Invisible factories: The informal economy and industrial development in Spain

LA Benton - 1990 -
An analysis of the role of the informal economy in national development which weighs
alternative claims about its impact on industrial development. Detailed case studies of the
electronics and shoe industries in Spain demonstrate the restructuring process. Paper ...

Crisis económica, globalización y Fogasa: la estrategia de la industria del calzado para sobrevivir. El caso de Alicante: 1980-1991

R Ramón Dangla - 2012 -
La liberalización de los mercados en los ochenta y la falta de un apoyo estatal para la
reconversión de la industria del calzado provocaron que ésta diseñara una estrategia de
supervivencia a través del recurso al Fondo de Garantía Salarial (Fogasa). 

[DOC] Relações entre os Setores Público e Privado no Brasil

E Diniz, R Boschi -
O empresariado industrial brasileiro passa atualmente por profundas mudanças. Embora
tais mudanças tenham sido em suas grandes linhas determinadas pelo processo de
globalização, em curso desde meados da década passada, sua especificidade reflete o ...


S Brinkmann - Verbände und Interessengruppen in den Ländern der …, 2012 - Springer
... diese Bemühungen in der Gründung der Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empre ...
Durch den 1980 erfolgten Beitritt der Confedera- ción Española de la ... sie als unabhängige
Alleinvertreterin des Mittelstandes ausweist (Pardo Avellaneda/Fernández Castro 1991: 158ff ...
Cited by 4 Related articles All 2 versions Cite SaveSaving...Error saving. Try again?

Konsolidierung zwischen Markt und Staat: Die Bedeutung der Arbeitsbeziehungen für die Demokratisierung in Spanien und Ungarn (Google eBook)

Front Cover
Springer-Verlag, Mar 9, 2013 - Social Science - 277 pages
Das Buch untersucht anhand von je vier Beispielen der Konfliktverregelung den Beitrag der Arbeitsbeziehungen zur Konsolidierung neuer Demokratien in Spanien und Ungarn. Angesichts der notwendigen Gleichzeitigkeit politischer und ökonomischer Reformen in den meisten neuen Demokratien sind an der Schnittstelle zwischen Markt und Staat funktionsfähige Mechanismen der Konfliktverregelung zur Konsolidierung notwendig. Daher wird die Bedeutung der Arbeitsbeziehungen in diesem Prozeß am Beispiel von Spanien und Ungarn vergleichend untersucht, um so Institutionalisierungsmodi herauszuarbeiten, die als erfolgreiche Konsolidierungsstrategien verallgemeinert werden können. Zur Beantwortung der These, daß neo-korporatistische Arrangements die Konfliktverregelung fördern, werden Entstehung und Funktionieren der Arbeitnehmer- und Arbeitgeberverbände sowie ihrer Regeln und Routinen der Interaktion analysiert, Typen der Institutionenbildung identifiziert und ihre jeweilige Fähigkeit zur Konfliktverregelung anhand verschiedener Fallbeispiele überprüft.

Verbände und Verbandssysteme in Westeuropa (Google eBook)

Front Cover
Werner Reutter
Springer-Verlag, Mar 8, 2013 - Social Science - 472 pages
Der Band umfasst systematische Analysen der Verbändelandschaftenin 18 westeuropäischen Ländern sowie der Europäischen Union und liefert damitdas Material für zwischenstaatliche Vergleiche. Die einzelnen Beiträge untersuchen die historische Entwicklung,die rechtlichen Grundlagen, die Strukturen des jeweiligen nationalenInteressenvermittlungssystems sowie die Beziehungen der Verbände zu denwichtigsten politischen Institutionen.

Verbände und Interessengruppen in den Ländern der Europäischen Union (Google eBook)

Front Cover
Werner Reutter
Springer-Verlag, Apr 3, 2012 - Political Science - 863 pages
Der Band umfasst systematische Analysen der Verbändelandschaften und der Interessengruppen in 27 europäischen Ländern sowie der Europäischen Union. Die einzelnen Beiträge untersuchen die historische Entwicklung, die rechtlichen Grundlagen, die Strukturen des jeweiligen nationalen Interessenvermittlungssystems sowie die Beziehungen der Verbände zu den wichtigsten politischen Institutionen. Das Werk vermittelt Grundinformationen über die nationalen Systeme funktionaler Interessenvermittlung, deren Bedeutung, Strukturen und Entwicklungen und liefert somit Material für zwischenstaatliche Vergleiche.